22 Jalan Kayu Aya
Seminyak, Bali.


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    Where On Earth Are We?

    Category - News

    Bali… we have a problem.

    The word on the street is that no-one knows which street we’re actually on. For 5 months now we have been joyously telling people we’re located at ‘22 jalan laksmana’ – it is on the website, it is printed on the business cards, it is tattoed on our souls… so imagine our surprise when good friends from back home asked a cabby to drive to said address – only to turn up at a girl’s clothing store.

    The friends in question were actually two pilots and as ‘pretty’ as the dresses at ‘22 jalan laksmana’ were, the guys had no extra room in their ‘carry on’ for sartorial indulgences. Thinking then that maybe Sea Circus was a Barcelona style ‘hidden venue’ where you had to enter through a secret door or wink alluringly at the ‘plain clothes’ doorman, the two pilots started searching around the dress shop for clues.

    No clues were found. Strange looks were exchanged. Bad times. It took our friends another 2 taxis and several stops to actually find our lovely Sea Circus… which makes me want to cry a little bit.

    Apparently the address stated on our lease is not as black and white as the paper it was printed on. Address is a matter of subjectivity here. Streets have nicknames, pseudonyms and synonyms – just to screw with you.

    The all important taxi [or rather ‘taksi’] drivers actually think that sea circus is located on ‘jalan kayu aya’, not ‘jalan laksmana’… and even then it is hit and miss if they will find us. Apparently we have chosen the hardest name for Indonesians to pronounce. Over here the letter ‘c’ is pronounced ‘ch’, so ‘Sea Circus’ is about as easy for the Indo’s as ‘Lululemon’ is for the Japanese. Nigh on impossible. oh Lordy!

    And so, all things considered, we have decided to sack off addresses, numbers and street names and instead turn to landmarks.

    *We can be found 300m past Ku De Ta, next to bodyworks, opposite Samaya Villas, round the corner from la lucciola… and between a rock and a hard place.

    Right, what time does the printers open…

    * between a rock and a hard place image

    Category - News