22 Jalan Kayu Aya
Seminyak, Bali.


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    Sea Circus 3rd Birthday

    Category - Events & Parties

    On April 1st Sea Circus turned 3. To celebrate this glorious occasion we invited our favourite musicians – Nahko & Medicine for the People – to play and share their joy and spirit with us. We were stoked to see so many of you there and would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting us and being part of the journey.

    This birthday has really got us nostalgic. Makes us wanna stare into space and hug all of our memories. If we were on a tv show the picture would go hazy right about now. We feel a montage coming on. There have been so many amazing parties and people under the Big Top. So many whimsical nights, magical connections and far-fetched stories to be told. Let us share a few…

    Australia Day 2010. 3 months before we opened. Rubble on the floor and fairy lights in the air

    April 1st 2010 Opening Party. ‘The Circus has come to town’! Suitcases full of dress ups, beatboy pranks & bakso tequila carts.

    New Years 2011 Barbie & Ken party {with your hosts Aerobics Barbie & Ken}

    Australia day 2011. Table dancing, Eagle Rock and epicness.

    First birthday ‘frat’ party with the toga sorrority and their DJ mascot.

    Pre-Empire of the Sun party with the tribe.

    Halloween 2011. Freaky clowns, half beings and all manner of crazies

    NYE 2012. Back to the 70s.

    Charlie & Tai’s birthday. Live music, charity fundraiser and bar-top dance-offs.

    Second birthday. Mexican wrestlers, horseback arrivals and more pranks.

    Halloween 2012. Dr. Evil & Mini Me hit the circus.

    Australia Day 2013. Live music and Aussie shenanigans.

    Third birthday party. Xavier Rudd’s opening tour band ‘Medicine for the People’ bring their spirited redemption music.

    … and some of our favourite freaks bring their acts.

    Maybe it is a circus after all!

    Category - Events & Parties