22 Jalan Kayu Aya
Seminyak, Bali.


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    Movie Night Movies – Boy

    Category - Events & Parties

    I sometimes wonder what it would be like to hang out in someone else’s head for a day. You know, walk through their mind’s imaginings. See what the colours look like through someone else’s eyes. If i got to pick someone’s head, right now i would choose Taika Waititi – the writer and director of ‘boy’.

    The green leafy brackets at the beginning of the trailer mean that this film is respected and rewarded. And rightly so. It is beautiful, and glorious, and heartbreaking, and refreshing… and it has two of the most epic sparkler scenes ever. I can’t actually think of any other sparkler scenes in any movies. But if there were some, then these would beat them hands down.

    OK, enough confabulation, just watch the trailer. Then come to the bean bag circus cloud tomorrow night and watch the full movie. Or if you can’t make it to the big top tomorrow night, go and buy the dvd and watch from afar. Oh, but if you can make it to the circus. Do. There will be salty buttered popcorn [yes i am obsessed] AND a surprise short film. monday night movies. love.

    Category - Events & Parties