Meeting Our Coffee Farmers
Category - News
Last week Abbey, Melissa and Charlie braved Pak Santosa’s four wheels and took the trip up to Kintamani to meet with the farmers that make our delicious coffee.
Five Senses roasters were already up in the mountains doing their annual ‘harvest trip’ with a crew of master roasters and baristas from some of Australia’s best cafes. as well as building a new nursery in bedugul, they were meeting with the Kintamani farmers to negotiate and educate on organic processing and the various flavours of coffee.
We were lucky enough to take part in the education and see the process from bean on tree to bean in cup. In case you didn’t know, coffee beans are actually red when they are fruit on the tree.
Then comes the production line – taking the redskins off to leave just the green beans…
…lots of green beans!
Then the beans are heaved and hauled and spread out onto the drying racks…
…where they dry and harden under the sun.
Then after they are roasted they turn brown like this…
…and then it’s [finally] time to taste. huzzah! five senses hosted a ‘cupping’ session with the farmers so we watched on as shaughan and jen prepped up.
We were lucky enough to get involved and taste 4 different beans: 2 from Bali, 1 from Sumatra and 1 from Colombia.
The farmers got right into it and knew straight away which was their crop during the blind tasting.
The Kintamani beans were tasting especially good… which is awesome news for us. The new crop will be in Sea Circus from August. yeeoooow!
To read all about the five senses harvest trip in detail check out their blog