22 Jalan Kayu Aya
Seminyak, Bali.


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    We Love Board Games

    Category - Things We Like

    It is currently rainy season in Bali and the weather is almost unnecessarily heinous. However, having grown up in the quite ghastly weather system of England, I am quite used to the inclemency and know the best cure for it… board games.

    When it is horrible weather outside there is nothing better than a good board game. Seriously, psychotherapists should proscribe pictionary instead of prozac. It is that good. Anyway, if you are bored of the rain in Bali and want some cheering up – come down to the circus. We have pictionary, scrabble, monopoly, jenga and uno. Articulate coming soon.

    If anyone can guess what this picture was meant to be then you win a bottle of Veuve!…

    Category - Things We Like